School Board


School Board information

Want to attend or watch a school board meeting? See what's on the meeting agenda? Sign up to speak? Contact a school board member?



CMS School Board Meetings

The school board (Board of Education) meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6PM at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center.

Meeting schedule and agendas

Meeting schedule

Agendas (usually posted a few days before each meeting)


You can watch the meeting livestream on the school board's Facebook page. The video is available there to watch later, too. 

Speak at a meeting

Public comments are scheduled for the first regular meeting of the month. Public Hearings may be held as necessary at any meeting of the Board. Speakers must attend the meeting in person to be eligible to speak.

To be eligible to speak, speakers must register with the Board Clerk using one of the following methods:

The procedures for public comments are as follows:

The time afforded to each speaker will be set prior to the meeting by the Board Chair based on the number of speakers and/or the length of the Board’s agenda (usually 3 minutes or less)

School board members

Information and contacts for school board